
Discussion forum for questions and advice with Si Hunt

45 Responses to Discussion

  1. Thanos says:

    thanos | high245@hotmail.com | IP: 72.232.131.

    dear sir,i would like to thank you for your informations that you are giving from your site.i am a 29 year old high jumper from greece (2.17m p.b)and i would like to ask you some questions about training:
    1.because of my age,is it better to train all season with competition training ?
    2.which is the appropriate height of the box in plyometric training?is it depends from many parameters (level of strength,age etc)?

    Jan 11, 7:26 AM


  2. sihunt says:

    Simon Hunt | sihunt.co.uk@gmail.com | IP:

    Yo Thanos,
    thanks for the questions, I’m glad you found the information useful, I am producing some more videos for the site for you to see. I like your email address; I wondered who had that one! As for your questions:

    1) Only you know the limits and abilities of your own body, although after about 23-24 you do need longer rest and recovery as mineral absorption is slower than if you were younger. I adjusted my training after 25yrs old to fit each phase of training into 6 week blocks. Each block consisted of 5 weeks training with 1 week complete rest before the next block started with the relevant max tests in the gym (clean, snatch, squat etc). In each week I would plan for 2 days training, 1 day rest, 3 days training, 1 day rest. Never train for more than 3 days in a row as you will need to rest. You will need weekly massage or physio to help avoid injury. Also a weekly ice bath (at least legs and midsection/back) of 10mins, no more, is practically essential if you are training well. If you have a depth jump element in your training you will need 6-8 weeks rest from that before you jump as this is the time your bones take to recover fully. This is different to any rebound box jumps you may be doing as these can be done leading up to competitions.

    2) The heights of the boxes in the plyomectrics training videos are 30, 40 and 60 cm high. All the biomechanics research shows that any higher is not of any benefit to the power output of the rebound jump. So keep the boxes at 30-60 cm. If you are in doubt then keep the boxes low and focus on making the rebound jumps very quick and keep the body tall and light.

    Good luck and let me know how the training goes and please let me know of any competitions you are in (any country) as I would love to see you jump. If you can send me a video of your training/jumping I can comment.

    Jan 15, 2:15 PM


  3. sihunt says:

    thanos | high245@hotmail.com | IP: 72.232.131.


    Jan 16, 8:11 AM


  4. THANOS says:

    thanos | high245@hotmail.com | IP: 72.232.131.


    Jan 22, 7:14 AM


    • ultharth says:

      Your results in weight room are quite good so you should be strong enough to jump high.
      The biggest problem all jumpers facing is how to convert what has been done in weight room to result.
      I have done research on group of high jumpers jumping with PB at least 210cm, average hight they have jumped was 219.57cm
      average body weight 73.63kg
      average body hight 190
      average snatch 68.75kg
      average clean 86.29kg
      average squat 121.79kg
      average standing long jump 3.17m
      average long skipping from 5 strides 21.10m
      average high jump from 1/2 run- up 208.71m
      Among high jumpers I have tested only two of them snatched more then you and none!!! of them clean more then you!!!
      8 of them jumped over 2.20m 3 of them over 2.25m (the following year 4 out of 8 jumped over 2.30m!!!!)

      So in my researches I have find out that shot forward, shot backward, high jump from 1/2 run- up snatch and clean, standing long jump and long skipping have a strong correlation with the result.
      However the most important thing is to execute technique properly on comfortable speed
      can you send results of your tests
      shot forward 4kg
      shot backward over head 4kg
      standing long skipping (5 bounces)
      long skipping from 5strides (5 bounces)
      flying 20m
      I think you are not jumping higher because you cannot execute your technique on higher velocity


      • Simon Hunt says:

        This stuff is well interesting, we need to put a lot together to see the trends and anomalies. I was 75kg and cleaned 110kg. Wolfgang Killing has a nice shot throwing test. I will find and post…


      • Ultharth says:

        That would be nice
        1. From articles I have gone through in past several years there are few important factors. If we can just narrow it to two I would put my money on technique (correct way of execution) and speed. During 1st IAAF World Coaches Conference in Kienbaum (2009) Dr. Wolfgang Ritzdorf talked about Donald Thomas that even thou he’s coming from basketball background he is presenting/ fitting into high jump model in terms of technique therefore technique plays very important role in performance.
        2. Dan Pfaff during his coaching conference was talking about sessions and emphasize on speed and right order of exercises also was talking about Mark Boswell, that during training sessions, Mark was starting from blocks and was accelerating better than top, world class 100m sprinters (I guess he was talking about Surin, Thompson, Dorival) and that his run up velocity was around 9m/s
        Also W. Ritzdorf has done research on speed of top five high jump competitors during WC Athens 1997

        Click to access Aruba_High%20Jump%20%5BKompatibilit%C3%A4tsmodus%5D.pdf

        and had shown that Velocity of run up was lowest at 6.94m/s done by Forsyth to (highest) at 8.04m/s by Sotomayor
        Speed plays very important role. Having said that, for all those athletes above, run up velocity around 7.5m/s may feel pretty comfortable due to their speed capacity/ reserve where 7.5m/s for 210cm high jumper will be way to fast.


  5. sihunt says:

    Simon Hunt | sihunt.co.uk@gmail.com | sihunt.co.uk | IP:

    Hi Thonos, thanks for you stats here what i think.

    1.86,80KGRS,4 PERCENT BODY FAT. – ok I was 1.84m and 72kg with 4%fat. I found being light helps but make sure you body fat does not stay below 5 as this can lead to illness easily. BUT if you can get really strong you don’t need to be really light.

    SNATCH 80KG, – This is good as you want to be able to snatch your body weight or more
    CLEAN 105KGS, – This needs to be better; you need to be able to clean at least 150% of your body weight. I cleaned 110kg at 72kg body weight
    FULL SQUAT 125 – Most high jumpers here do not squat below 90 degrees of flexion at the knee. If you are full squatting you should be able to clean a lot more, as you can catch the bar low and squat from the floor to lift. So you need to squat to 90 degrees up to 300% of you body weight. I squatted 200kg at 72kg body weight. Also when you are in competition preparation its best to squat as heavy as you can just to 45 degrees flexion. I would squat up to 235kg for two reps – make sure you have safety cage in place for this.
    Also you need to work at step-ups, leg press, dynamic single leg press, jump squats, and hold squats to reaction lift. (Will explain on site)

    Your vertical jump should be better and will improve with your strength. I was not as concerned with this as high jump is not a static event and box/depth jump rebound ability is a better measure. Instead of vertical jump I would use a standing back summersault into sand pit. This means you have to fully extend on the jump to make it round. You need to be able to back summersault from standing and land on the same spot not behind you. When you can do this bare foot and land softly you are there!

    STANDING LONG JUMP 3.00 – Needs to be a lot better up to 310cm + I made 313cm. learning to back summersault will improve this.

    4 KILOGRAMS SHOT FRONT.19.23 BACK 20.67 – This is excellent and you obviously have good explosive power in this or some long leavers!

    5 STEPS WITH 6STEPS AND FL.START 19.64 – I’m not to sure what you mean with these. We used a sprint to 10 long bounds alternating feet looking to get 35m+. Standing 5 bound/triple jump/double triple jump are also good.

    Send me more stats if you have them and I will post explanations to some more you can do. To jump over 2.20m you need to be running the curve at 7.5 – 8.0 m/s at take off. If you can video some jumps with you run up marks visible and send me the measurements of your run up, I can calculate your speed and acceleration. The best way to condition you body to run 7.5 – 8.0 m/s is to do 300m sprint reps in no longer than 40sec. This will teach you body the rhythm you need.

    Jan 22, 2:40 PM


    • ultharth says:

      I think he needs to get stronger but not to the point where he’s squatting 200kg maybe 150 with his weight. I think that Thanos is not fast enough and he’s technique has to be improved.
      He has to perform plyo on relatively high speed to get max out of what he produced in the weight room


  6. Petergay says:

    Petergay | LoveablePetey@aol.com | AwesomePowertrack.org | IP:

    If you could only see me run, it would be much easir to explain to you my problem. I have been failing with my times in the 100 meter dash. Though I’ve tried may best in training, I still ran the same time back to back. I was running 2 sec. slower than average runners, could you help me out with your thoughts on how to improve.
    Thank you,
    Petergay Davis

    Dec 30, 4:13 AM


  7. sihunt says:

    Simon Hunt | sihunt.co.uk@gmail.com | IP:

    Hi Peter
    Yes if you could send me a video of you running or training that will be best for me to comment on. Your training depends on you age, strength and ability. You should focus on leg strength though squats and lunges. When you run focus on arm speed and turnover – the faster your arms move the faster you legs will go. Don’t be worried about you arms getting out of sync with you legs or falling over if you legs don’t keep up with your arms. This will simply not happen as you body will just force your legs to keep up. Aslo try looking at you feet for the first 40-50m of the race. This will firstly help you legs to come through and most importantly help you to control you OWN race. By this I mean if you are only looking at you own feet you are not paying any attention to any one else. This means that when you do look up you are only in a 60- 50m race, giving you much less time to tighten up because some one is in the lead. The key is to stay relaxed, we all know this, but you need to find what works for you. The less you see of the other runners the better that’s why the leader often stays so relaxed as from their point of view the are in a race with no one else. Maurice Green is the best example of keeping you head down until you are in the lead at 50m. Also when Zana Block finally beat Marian Jones she did so by getting into the eye line of Marion forcing her to try harder and tighten up and slowing. This was the first time in over 50 races Marion was running with someone else in her vision.

    Good luck Pete
    Simon Hunt

    Jan 15, 2:35 PM


  8. sihunt says:

    Will Sibley | will_sib@hotmail.com | N/A | IP:

    Hi Simon,
    I’ve looked at the training program “fuzz” made for you and I’m not always sure what the exercises are. For example, in the high jump drill section Wot is “St with slats and hurdle on penulitmate st”?
    I ask because I’m going into my 3rd training year and I am trying to get as much information as possible to get the greatest benifit out of my training program.
    I’ve also spoken to Mike Holmes and Jo Jennings who i train with on occasions.
    So any information you could share with me would be fantastic and a great benifit.

    Aug 15, 9:27 AM


  9. sihunt says:

    simon | sihunt.co.uk@gmail.com | IP:

    will nice one sorry for the delay i’ve been away. St with slats is basically putting wooden slats on the floor to force you to place your feet right. Hurdle on penultimate stride is putting a small saq hurdle so that you have to really lift you knee high over it on the pen stride, this means you come in faster and a better postion for take off. right thanks for looking at the site, it will be easier to tell you all this on the phone as you will have more question. i would love to talk as i know jo as well adn some stuff about mike holms. My best advice is talk to steve smith he runs a restaurant in liverpool called jalons – he’lll apricitae a call and geoff parsons is a fountain of knowedge if you break his shell. $y!

    Sep 23, 12:36 PM


  10. sihunt says:

    From David Stuart
    I’m a division 2 college high jumper at Colorado Mines and am trying to increase my vertical. Since August I have focused mainly on strength training, but have seen about a 6 inch decline in my vertical even though my squat has gone way up. I’m trying to incorporate more plyos into my workouts now, but I’m really not sure which exercises will help. Matt Hemingway occasionally comes to our practices and believes that the best workout for high jump is playing basketball. I’m not too sure about that, mostly because of injury risk. Any suggestions for how to regain vertical would be appreciated.
    Thanks again for the nice greeting.

    http://www.sihunt.co.uk – reply:
    Dave, when you squat you only need to squat to 90 degrees at the knee. Strength is very important but remember it is only component of power. (Force, distance and time) Speed is just as important. When ever I squated/leg press/step up/clean I always did 5-6 reps of a plyometric exercise straight after each set. Either box jumps/cross overs/split rebounds or tiggers, this will help keep your speed. Also do 3-4 60 meter sprints after your weights sessions, this is really important to avoid getting slow in your movements.
    Keep going!


  11. FroZone89 says:

    I am a High School High Jumper….This is my second year and I have only been able to jump a height of 6.00 feet. In order to go to state You have to jump 6.3. Regionals are 5/11/07 and today is 3/24/07. Is there still a chance that I can make a 3 inch increase in this amount of time…also I was wondering which exercises should I do in order to make it. Also I was wondering what will help my form out the most because i feel as though that is my biggest problem, I get on bend in my back when I jump…I would appreciate it a lot if you can give me any tips, and that goes for the Sihunt and anyone else that wants to help me


  12. sihunt says:

    Hi FroZone.
    For you at your level there are a few basic things to concentrate on to improve in a short space of time you have.
    Firstly RELAX when you are jumping, this is the biggest expression of your self that you will give so you have to be yourself. What ever gets you relaxed, do it. If its certain music, or a coffee, or a beer, or a cigarette, then get involved your way and relax your body before you express yourself. If you have doubts or people around you disagree, then take yourself away for a training session and just try it, and let me know.
    Secondly, be in charge all the time you jump. Be in charge of yourself, your running, and importantly your body in the air after take off. You control the jump, not the other way around. Also be in charge of the competition, ask for the heights you want and focus on what you want to achieve that day. Qualifying height for the states, technical practice, personal best or competition position. I personally like saving my final attempt for the last jump of the competition at the final bar height, this keeps you involved until the end and always give you a chance to win.
    Now technically I haven’t seen you jump, if you can send video that will be great. But what you need to do is:
    1) Run faster.
    2) Lean back and away from the bar at least twice as much as you think you need to do.
    3) Stay tall and proud in your running all the way up to the bar.
    4) Be cool and relax!

    Good luck i hope you make it!


  13. FroZone89 says:

    Thanks I will try and get a Video because I know my coach plans to tape us and so we can know how we look when we jump. I have been calm up into the last couple of days now that we are on spring break. I know I will probably have to find some music or something to calm me down. I went from not being able to clear 5’6 at meets last year to jumping 6’0 within the first couple of meets. I have been staying active this break by running and keeping up my hydration. But thanks for the advice, your website is great and I will also try those flips on the pit when I get back to practice.


  14. Conor Hughes says:

    Hi Simon,

    First and foremost I would like to thank you for setting up your webpage, it is a fabulous resource. Your demos are fantastic. I usually base my training sessions around explosive power, do you recommend integrating plyometrics into the beginning, middle or end of your workout? Or do you simply train plyometrics for one whole session? If so would this be your first session of the day? Thank you for your time Simon.


    Conor Hughes


  15. sihunt says:

    Hi Conor ,
    thanks for the support. I started the site as there was no web site that provided the information and instructions I was looking for. I’m going to bringing a lot more to the site over the next few months too. I was a professional high jumper in England for 5 years and I’m using the 10 years experience I have with the best jumpers to make the site. I’m guessing your training is in a weights gym. If this is so then I can recommend the way I used to do my weight sessions. I mainly did the Olympic lifts and free weight with things like step-ups. I would start the session with 2 x 4 mins skipping of different types (my next video soon!), this is excellent basic plyometrics that instils quality technique. Between each set of my lifts, including squats and leg press I soon as I put the weight down I would perform 5 reps of a plyometric exercise. I would use a different exercise for different lifts.

    E.g. 10 reps clean at 70% max. followed by 5 reps of box on-off jumps, 1.5 min rest (3 sets). 10 reps squat at 70% max. followed by 5 hurdle rebounds, 1.5 mins rest (3 sets).

    This keeps your power fresh and your movement fast, and is awesome for your fitness and heart rate during your lifting sessions. Also, after consulting some Olympic discus throwers they highly recommended 4 reps of 60m sprints at a comfortable flowing speed after your weight session. This keeps the body fluid and prevents any slowness from a heavy weight session. This should be followed by your usual cool down including 2 x 4 mins skipping as in the warm up. All this was standard for my gym weight lifting sessions.

    On top of this I performed specific plyometric sessions 3 times per week. These comprised of combinations of many of the plyometric videos on my site as well as the usual skipping. These session are for pure quality and jumping ability. So it’s important to perform these types of session early in the day and before you do any weights, to keep you movement quality as high as possible.

    I hope this is useful to you and I wish you luck in your training and performance goals. Please feel free to place comments and correspondence on my discussion page on my site Stay motivated…

    Simon Hunt


  16. Brian says:

    Sorry for the data redundancy, as I have already submitted this on the Drills page, but I thought this would be a more appropriate place to ask this of you.

    Hi Simon,
    Great site. Tons of great info. Good work. I’m a pole vaulter by trade and now am becoming more involved in coaching all the jumps. I have learned the HJ from friend and my former coach/training partner, Milt Ottey (obnoxious name-dropping, for sure). It was best experience, and I can now help already good h-jumper become better, but I didn’t really learn how to teach a HJ from scratch. Milt was working on elite/advance details more to do with timing and rhythms. Along with all your other sweet vids, I would also love to see videos of you performing your favorite HJ-specific imitation drills. Like the drills from your .xls drill sheet. I’m a huge fan of the vault website Stabhoch.com, but can’t find any equivalent for HJ and horizontal jumps. Do you know of any equivalent sites with such an emphasis on training videos, and if not (and I know I’m asking a lot), maybe you could push your site even further? I’m talking more about demonstration of drills like “Sjoberns”, and other drills named after Russians and Eastern Blockers. Take-off specific stuff mostly, but anything other than “circles” for the turn would be nice as well, variety is the spice of life…you know. I know this is a big request/question, so any further info and videos (or pointing in right direction) would be appreciated. Sorry to ramble on.
    Hope all is well.


  17. Harris says:

    Hi Simon,

    Thank you for setting up this website. i have this problem of not improving fast enough at my 100m dash. despite tonnes of the plyos and weight training, i felt that my sprint timing increase by a little. by the way i have not time myself for almost a year. but by my own jugdment, i still felt that i should have improve much more. please help me to get cut my timing.
    these are my stats height 180 cm, weight 66-67 kgs, standing long jump 2.85 m, standing vert about 80 cm. and i have this problem of very stiff and little arm swing when sprinting.

    thank you very much.


  18. Mike says:

    1. im 136 lbs
    height 5’9″+
    age 16,5
    i don’t do any track only play basketball
    i wanna be explosive and dunk, the coming week i am planning on joining in a o-lfting class, im not accustomed to lifting,let alone o-lifting , guys on internet and articles from websites like t-nation.com suggested I shouldn’t squat on smith machine and unfortunately my 3 gyms have no squat racks or power racks.
    Kelly Baggett a famous trainer told me that although i haven’t lifted before, it’s much better and beneficial for my vertical jump to do olympic-lifting( which are advanced but coaches there will teach me the techique of clean and jerk, snatches, power/hang cleans ect ) than doing squat on smith machines.
    My aim is to get explosive so that i can improve my 40 dash and the most important my “vert”!!
    The question that i cite to you is, will o-lifting be gratifying to my ambitious aim of jumping high?
    And a distinctive question, how long do you lift weights and particularly how long ago did you start olympic lifting?

    2. which plyometric program is the best for me .I have PowerPlyos but i don’t know if it’s good plyo program


  19. cristian says:

    do you have any video of alessandro talotti in athens 2004??? thanks


  20. william says:

    I play rugby on a competive level.Currently, it takes me quite a while to change my direction of run as i spend too much time absorbing the inertia with the stepping leg, before being able to explode off the other way.

    I’ve been performing a few low intensity plyo drills myself such as single-legged lateral cone hops and single-legged 12 inch hurdle hops. Lately after watching your vids on youtube , i’ve been inspired to integrate depth jumps into my routine as well…with steady progression of course. I’m very new to plyometrics with little experience, but have gone to the extent of designing my own depth jump sequence. I’m not sure if its gonna sound completely absurd and unorthodox but here goes.

    There are two 6inch boxes involved here.

    l l
    landing on x l box 2 l
    both feet x l l
    & rebound l_____ l

    l l jump starts facing in this direction\
    l box 1 l ===================== \
    l l ========= ==== ======= /
    l_____ l /

    (1)I start on box 1 facing out from me as in the above diagram. (2)stepping out of the box with my right foot and landing on that same foot, exploding laterally to the left side (3) land with both feet and rebounding with both feet onto box 2 ( infront of me) landing with both feet. To repeat the same with left foot but requires shifting boxes in another configuration.

    So basically i’m really trying to focus on stepping off with one leg explosively, hence training my legs to easily step to my left or to my right depending on how i intend to beat the defender. My objective in terms of rugby is to develop the ability to absorb the impact from the planting of either foot while cutting/side-stepping in the opposite angle of run (change of direction).

    Will this little hare-brain scheme of mine work, or do you think its totally ludicrous and unheard of and shld be hanged by the ankles for thinking it? As i can’t really think of any other way to enhance that sort of reflex i’m hoping this is it. Maybe it could do with a bit of tweaking? or the box shld be lower? What do you think? I find it important to jump only on one leg as oppose to two because side stepping in rugby mostly utilises one leg to step, as a result i feel that this relates specifically to my sport.

    Another thing i need answering is involving the use of weight vests with depth jumps. I have a weight vest with 1kg bars which can be slotted in and out up to max of 20kg.I was wondering if the steady increment of weight could be similiar to the increment of box height? As in, can i simply progress in depth jumps by slotting in heavier weights instead of increasing box height?

    Please advise…your expertise will definitely help me lots!



  21. william says:

    sorry the diagram is all messed up…ignore it. It kind of jumbled up when the comment was posted.just read the sequence in the paragraph…it should be quite comprehensive.



  22. sihunt says:

    Hey William,

    First of all I love you idea and I will do my best to make a film describing what you have created so the world can see. I’m getting involved with a rugby team here in norway coaching them sprints and basic explosiveness in multiple directions.

    For direction change try my box jumping video or hurdles with them placed at 90º. You can do these laterally or with a 90º twist. Also a rope ladder on the floor is good if you know what drills to do on it, like fast feet laterally and zig zag fast feet. If you are new to plyos be very careful with single leg work, just start with basic hopping keeping you hip movement strong with an upright body.

    Make the hurdles as high as you can as lifting you feet over will increase leg pic up speed and hip flexor ability. Don’t be scared of a high hurdle you just have to focus yourself correctly. As for weighted depth jumps I would stay away from that as it is very risky and I had some bad injuries with no extra benefits, the impact risk is way greater than any benefit. Work on moving off the ground fast from a max 60 cm box. Practice depth jump to max high hurdle and improve you olympic weight lifting like clean and snatch. Use the weights vest for non/ very low impact work to save your Achilles tendons e.g fast chin ups or hill/ stair running.

    Good luck and let me know how you improvement come on.

    Simon Hunt


  23. Hey Simon,

    How’re you doing? Listen, I was wondering what do you recommend for someone (me) who wants to increase his one-leg jump (I don’t care about the two-legged jump whatsoever)?

    The first thing that comes into mind is plyos, but considering my strength levels (I’m weigh 82 kgs and full squat about 100-110 for one rep) I might take into account the strength factor too, obviously.

    Right now I’m training with Kelly’s VJB, in this manner:

    Monday: 1st three exercises from the novice plyos + squats 3×5 & split squat jumps at home with a kettlebell in hands;

    Wednesday: novice plyos;

    Friday: Last three exercises from novice plyos + box squat 3×5 & split squat jumps at home with a kettlebell or a weight plate in hands.

    Sunday I play basketball in the park.

    Considering this, what would you recommend (and changes? more unilateral work? if so, what?).

    I am currently a blocking jumper (meaning I use my jumping leg as a lever to jump off istead of using the other “smooth” technique that most high jumpers use (I play basketball, I’m not involved in athletics)) and my one-leg vert varies a bit from 30 to about 34 inches right now.

    So what I would want to know is a template for improving the one-leg jump in both plyo and strength departments, and with simple means (I have at my track&field complex just a 35 cm box, some low-hurdles (45 cm) and some high-hurdles, but that’s all from a plyometric standpoint).

    Thanks and keep up the good work.


  24. sihunt says:

    HI Raptor,

    Thanks for your comment. I know a lot of the US jumps stuff revolves around double leg jumping due to basketball and the fact it’s a more stable jump in the air.

    Single leg jumping lends itself more to fast approach running than double leg jumping. This means you must work on your speed and rhythm. By this I mean that you last two strides must be very fast rhythm. Also your foot contact must be good, i.e no heel contact or contact in front of you as this only decelerates your speed and you must accelerate into the jump. In terms of how deep you go with your take off leg depends on how you like to jump and how you generate you power in relation to you strength. You must watch some high jump videos and see which jumpers you want to jump like. Are you going to power jump like many Russians and US camp Charles Austin or speed jumping like many European e.g. Stefan Holm and Steve Smith.

    Kelly’s VJB is not know to me so maybe you can elaborate on what type of training you are doing.

    As for the weights full squat is not absolutely necessary. Think about how deep you take off leg bend is. So squats down to 90º is deep enough and 45º heavy in competition season. Here are some basic principles of top athletes. Clean max 150+ % of body weight (125 kg for you) and up-to 300% body weight of 90º squat (240 kg for you) NB this will take time to achieve typically 10+% increase in max lift per year.

    You need to do some plyos and sprint after weight lifting to maintain speed of movement. Bounding and hopping for distance are effective single leg work along with running box jumps and hurdles. Stair running and jumping is also very good.

    Yuri Verkhoshansky (www.verkhoshansky.com) is very good and i recomend you read his work and his web site, His pdf files are worth a look.

    Good luck

    Simon Hunt


  25. Hi Simon,

    I would like to talk to you about coaching and if you would be interested in becoming involved in the Norwegian Bobsleigh Team.

    Kind regards

    Jonny Morgan-Gipsen

    (Kaptein Norge Bobteam)


  26. Jonas says:

    Oii mate,

    I’m really loving what you got going on ‘ere, it’s marvelous. I was just wondering if you actually are present at every video recording, if so, what videos do you plan on making next? Will you be in Berlin for the IAAF WC’s?

    PS – The music you have in your video’s are genuis, the video you have from “Gøteburg G.P. Womens High Jump” what is the name of that song?


    • sihunt says:

      Hey, thanks for the comment.
      I filmed/directed all the videos. I’m planing to make a stretching video hopefully next. I think some more videos on high jump run-up coaching and calculation are needed. Some close up videos off take-off plant I have are also very usefull. What competitions will you be at next, and do you coach high jump?
      The music is ‘Vad’ by (Vadim & Coppe) on the peppermint album. My friend in Sanfrancisco is runing their lable at goodnessmusic. I will send you copy of the Gotenburg meet in good quality if you like? Can your email take 16mb attachments?



  27. Simon says:


    I read that you perfer the angle of the squat only to reach 90 degrees, if this is the case, arnt you negleting your hamstrings which a full squat past 90 degrees can benifit in a big way?


  28. Luke says:

    Hi Simon,

    First of all I wanted to say thank you, because the knowledge that I have gained from you and your weight training methods have helped improve my high jump PB from 6’2 to 6’9 in one year. But the problem is I still have a slow and inefficient approach, terrible rotation over the bar, and no arch. I think it would help tremendously if you have any tips on improving knee drive, and correct arm placement. Any tips are welcome, thanks.


    • Luke says:

      my teammate is sort of similar to me, but more extreme. He is a 2.0 m high jumper, and gets PLENTY of clearance. I would like to get a video uploaded for you, it’s actually quite impressive – with his hip height he should be going 2.15 m or more. The problem obviously relates to his slow horizontal velocity over the bar, and he “stalls out” over the bar, but whenever he speeds up his approach it kills his jump. So, if you have any ideas for that as well it would be terrific. Thanks.



  29. A Blind Guy says:

    Hello SiHunt.
    I am a High School High Jumper. A month ago I qualified for states (Regionals to the UK folk, I’d guess) with a jump of 5’10” (1.778m). Then I got kicked off, but I’m sure that I could have jumped 6′ by now, because every practice would have consisted of high jumping drills.
    Now that the summer is approaching, I really want to take down my school’s High Jump record of 6’6″ (1.98m)
    I have an Olympic Bar and 255 pounds (115kg) of weight for a total weight of 300 pounds (136kg).
    My max squat is 240 pounds (109kg)
    My max Snatch is 115 pounds (52kg)
    My max Clean is 135 pounds (61kg)
    My vertical is around 24 inches (60cm)
    My running vertical for my 1.78m jump, from my hip standing to my hip over the bar, is 36 inches (91 cm)
    I definately have the determination to complete my goal, but I don’t know where to apply myself.
    What workouts should I do, and what routines should I group them in?
    How often should I do plyometrics?
    Basically, I need a workout guide, and if you wouldn’t be too hassled to maybe come up with one for me, that would be wonderful.
    I’ve got from now until the start of winter track to lift, (June 8th- November 15th) and I’ve got the winter track season to work on my form, etc. etc.
    Spring track starts around March of next year, and I could really use your help to accomplish my goals.
    Thanks a ton in advance, and keep up the good work. I like your website.


  30. Luke says:

    “A Blind Guy”

    I really think this site would help you; it’s new and gives free advice and workout plans by personal trainers.



  31. A Blind Guy says:

    Hey Simon, just giving you a heads up on my improvement.
    powerclean, snatch, squat and deadlift in this order

    180, 150, 315, 350.
    I now weigh 180.

    These are all in pounds, of course.


  32. Jamie says:


    My name is Jamie. I am 37 year old man that for whatever reason still trains as if he will compete again as Long Jumper or triple jumper. I am stronger than what i was in my younger days.

    1/4 Squats: 550 pds
    Full squat: 400 pds
    one arm snatch ( overhead) into a split squat: 100 pds
    dumbell snatches into a split: 95pds
    * I can land on one leg for either snatch

    Clean: 250 pds
    Dead lift: 455pds
    Squat into a standing press: 305 pds
    Standing Long Jump : 10 ft
    Vertical: 37in
    Best triple jump : 52’10 ft
    Long Jump: 24’8 ft
    High Jump: 6’8 ft

    I am still able to lift all the above. My vertical and 40 yd time are slightly faster. What should I do to be able to achieve a new PR. I am faster, and about 100 pds stronger but I’m around 10- 12 pds heavier.

    I’m 6’3, 210 pds, 14% bodyfat. What would you do? I have friends that I’m stronger than that are competing at the elite level. I am lacking in the foot speed. I tend to ding up in the calfs, hamstring, and sometimes the quads. Please help me.



  33. Hi Simon, Gary Bastien from the trackcoach8000.wordpress.com This is a great site with just a TON of awesome information. I am going to link it to mine and tell my kids to take a look.


    Gary Bastien
    You’re On Athletic, Saline, Michigan, U.S.A.


    • Simon Hunt says:

      Thanks for the support Gary. I really appreciate it! Just trying to get the quality info out to all the hard working athlete and coaches who want to win. What’s your main interest and is there anything you would like me to make a video about? Are you a coach and run a team? What’s the set up in Michigan like?

      Regards Simon Hunt


  34. jump program says:

    Nice one. I’ve been reading your post here. Nice topic.


  35. my name is pramudito, call me pram. i’m from Jakarta, Indonesia..
    your video is very important for me. thanks because, i get all of about high jump..

    my record just 165cm.. yes you know its not high..i’m amateur..

    my vertical jump just 65cm.. what must i do, to increase my high jump better?


  36. Patrick L says:

    Hey SiHunt, I saw your videos, you seem to REALLY know your stuff. I’m a senior in high school, first season high jumping, I have a pretty decent pop when I jump, but I have a dilemna.. I don’t have a high jumping coach whatsoever that can help me. I want to achieve a goal of 6’6” by end of may, but I am a 5’9” 136 pound eighteen year old with a 30 inch vertical. I can squat 260 1rm which I believe is good for my weight. But I want to know if you will possibly watch some videos of me jumping and give me some feed back? I work and jump everyday, sometimes too many reps but I keep it between 20-25 now. Is there any high jump workouts I could possibly get my hands on, I plan on buying your calculator but I’m trying to get all the help I can.. I do sometimes get afraid jumping over the bar, and I don’t know where to look when I jump? I know above the bar. Any help, even if you respond to this at least, would be great!


    • ultharth says:

      Patrick L
      Working every day on high jump is good, but not every day high intensity jumping is good for high jump result.
      Most of high jump beginners struggle with clearing high bar, higher then their own body hight. I would recommend you two exercises
      1) Jumps along the bar. Put bar on 2m or higher from 5-7 strides take off’s along the bar make sure that radius of your approach in this exercise is greater then your normal run- up,it should be greater because you don’t want to jump into the bar what you want is to jump along,

      1) Visualisation Technique. Put bar on 2m or higher.
      Stand at the beginning of your run-up, try to imagine yourself running on your run up and going over the bar, emphasise should be on what you are doing in this stage and on clearing bar, repeat that 3/4 times, then make step closer to the bar and repeat exercise, so on and so forth until you get to your take off place
      One VERY IMPORTANT THING!!! More details in terms of your technique (correct technique) you can imagine during this exercise, more positive impact it will have on your confidence. Those exercises should be combined with breathing exercises on non jumping days!!!
      Artur PARTYKA once said that in high jump you have to jump in your mind first over certain hight then you just have to execute your technique.


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